Hand and wrist pain can be caused by a number of different issues. One of the causes could be carpal tunnel syndrome. Some of the early signs of carpal tunnel syndrome is pins and needles or numbness when performing certain activities – like riding a bicycle, driving or even sleeping.
Options for managing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be grouped in to non-surgical and surgical. Non-surgical treatment can include splinting, injections and hand therapy. Surgical treatment is an operation in which the ‘roof’ of the carpal tunnel is released, which removes the pressure on the nerve. Dr Wael Chiri from Perth Orthopaedic Specialist Centre offers endoscopic surgery (key hole carpal tunnel release) or a small incision on your wrist (mini open carpal tunnel release).

The endoscopic carpal tunnel release surgery involves a horizontal incision at the wrist, followed by insertion of the camera/blade in to the carpal tunnel. The transverse carpal ligament (causing the compression) is then released from within the tunnel.
The advantages to the endoscopic surgery or key hole method is that the wound heals quicker than the open method and patients return to normal daily activities and work sooner. The end result of both methods is the same.
Dr Wael Chiri is available for consultations at Perth Orthopaedic Specialist Centre which is located at SJOG Mt Lawley Hospital and also at Carine Specialist Centre. Please call our friendly reception staff between 8.30am and 5pm on Monday-Friday for an appointment.
For more information about Carpal Tunnel Surgery – click here.